Passive HousesDesigning a building that is intended for long-term exploitation and covering the energy costs in the long run is a problem for which few investors think in the design stage. Lowering your future energy costs of the building (being it office building, gym, schools, year-round hotel, industrial or residential building) would give you a significant edge over your competitors. A passive house consumes 90% less energy than a conventional building.

By being more comfortable passive buildings would contribute to a better performance of your employees in office and industrial buildings or good indoor climate for relaxation in residential ones. Accepted standard for comfort provides for radiant asymmetry temperature to 4.2 K for horizontal asymmetry and 2K for vertical asymmetry. You can enjoy an indoor climate unattainable by the conventional types of construction. Buildings constructed on this principle have a constant flow of fresh air that is warmed or cooled with minimal energy losses.

The Passive House Standard of the Passive House Institute (PHI) is a construction concept that aims the creation of cost-effective, comfortable and energy efficient buildings.


Passive House Institute is an independent research institute for development of construction concepts, search for building components for the realization of these concepts and creation of tools for their planning. The institute as an independent body verifies and certifies products in terms of their suitability for use in passive buildings. Detailed information can be found at

You can find information about the diverse types of buildings at At this address you can find buildings built and certified in Bulgaria. Our understanding is that it is not necessary to pursue 100% fulfilment of the criteria of this concept of construction and respectively certification as such.

You can apply a set of measures that will lead to a better return on your building using basic principles and following accurate and precise execution of the construction process. By creating such low energy building you will have put efforts in all directions needed and these efforts will surely lead to good results in terms of operating costs and better microclimate. You will have a building that will have a higher heat requirement than the limit of 15 kWh/m2 but its heat requirement will be away from the heat requirement of the same type of building that is conventionally constructed. It will be possible to calculate its specific values in the design process. Planning will save you isolation costs, will account for the heat gains from solar radiation, will help you limit leaks in isolation that can cause infiltration or exfiltration. Humidity will be controlled and the rate frequency of air exchange will be consistent with the number of employees and visitors in the building.

Calculations about your passive or low energy building will be made by specialized licensed software and licensed designers.

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